DGST 101:
Intro to Digital Studies

Studying digital culture, practicing digital creativity, and using digital methodologies.

We are, believe it or not, in the final week of the semester. And as we come to this end, we face down the few tasks that remain between this class and whatever's left of your Summer. Your primary concern is the final project: the superfluously-alliterative "Mediated Metacognitive Meditation", but there are a few more things to attend to as we wrap things up.

The first week of this class is coming to an end, so here's a review of all of the things you should have completed by now.

We're nearing the end of the first week of this class. Your working hard on the tasks you've chosen for your "Digital Creativity" module, so for the final day of new material for the week, I want to take a unified look at digital creativity in some different manifestations.

Hello and welcome to the website for the DGST 101: Intro to Digital Studies! This website provides a repository of information about the course in general, and it will also be where I post detailed descriptions of daily tasks. This course website supplements our Slack workspace where we'll discuss the assigned readings and shared work. Think of this website as the backbone of the course structure, so make sure you check it often.